Thursday, 6 September 2018

Cultural Festival Today

Reporter: Lucas

This morning our Kapa Haka team has gone to Horncastle Arena to perform for the cultural festival and on the 5th of September our Kapa Haka team performed to our school a little preview of what they will perform at the culture festival.

Here are Charnz's the student leader of the Kapa Haka group's thoughts.

"It was fun to perform to our school and kind of nerve racking. It was exciting and it was also hard to focus sometimes. It's nice to be the leader of the Kapa Haka group because it gives me a lot responsibility and its fun and sometimes cool because people mention you. I am proud to be performing in the culture festival because I like representing my culture and I have done it too times so it will probably will be fun again".

The teacher in charge of Kapa Haka, Miss Gardner, had some insightful comments to make about the group. She said, "Kapa Haka has been going very well. It has been a busy time since we have been preparing for the culture festival. We have a very big group this year and it has been a bit tricky because we don't have a school hall but the beautiful, kind people at the community centre have let us practice there. We are all ready to perform at the big stage at Horncastle tomorrow."

Wishing our performers all the best for a great show today. Kia kaha!